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About Us

On October 2001, Jeff Hurry stumbled upon a classified ad in the Victoria Times Columnist.  The ad was selling a small, locally owned pizzeria called “Zombies.”

Zombies was “the” original late night pizza by the slice in Victoria and had been serving the bar crowd for almost 15 years, gathering a rough reputation for itself.


Having been born and reared in Victoria, Jeff knew that despite the current state of the place, its central location held much potential.

After consulting his friends and family, Jeff created a business plan, secured finances, and purchased the failing pizzeria.

By mid March of the same year, Zombies became only a memory as Jeff and his team demolished the insides: painting, cleaning, and creating what has become the most-loved pizzeria in Victoria:  The Joint.

What is The Joint?

The Joint is many things to many people.  Truthfully, we have multiple identities:  a casual business crowd lunch eatery, tourist stop, destination for celiacs, vegans, and vegetarians, source for delivered gourmet pizza, and, in keeping with tradition of the location, also a late night bar crowd hot spot.

In September 2022, Jeff entrusted his beloved pizza store to three young college friends. Since then, they have been elevating its legacy with authentic flavors, ambitious goals, and a bright future. We are committed to serving the community of Victorian with love and care. Come, all pizza lovers, and experience the passion and dedication we bring to every slice.

We make pizza with quality ingredients, including 100% real dairy cheeses, our homemade organic whole wheat pizza dough and our homemade gluten-free rice crust. Over the years, we have listened closely to customer requests, bringing these special items to our menu.

Please phone in to see if you are in our delivery zone.

Where is The Joint?

1219 Wharf Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1T9, Canada
Telephone: (250) 389-2226